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Geoffrey Thomas
07 April, 2022
British aerospace engineer Richard Godfrey and physicist Dr Hannes Coetzee* have published two new reports on the technology and tracking of MH370.
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared over eight years ago on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers aboard.
The two reports are a Confidence Analysis and Airport and Flight Route Interference Assessment.
Last November Mr Godfrey published his work on using WSPRnet tracking to pinpoint a more precise location of MH370 and based on his work Ocean Infinity is launching a new search next year to cover this location and other suggestions.
According to Mr Godfrey, "the purpose of this Confidence Analysis is to take a critical look at the MH370 GDTAAA WSPRnet Analysis Flight Path and Technical Reports and question assumptions, methods, algorithms, calculations and limitations and the implications with regard to the results, findings and conclusions.
"This analysis showed the validity of our findings without the use of algorithms, interpretations or marginal results. If you delete all progress and position indicators reliant on interpretation or marginal results, you are still left with 32 confirmed indicators out of the 186 indicators originally.
READ: WSPRnet explainREAD: MH370: The extraordinary debris trail across the Indian Ocean READ: MH370: chronology of major events
"The remaining indicators include all pointers to major turns and the entry into the holding pattern. Even with all the additional indicators discarded, the crash location remains as previously shown.
"It is thus concluded that the positions presented in the previously published papers are sound and that any associated risk is at a reasonable level. The crash location remains as originally defined at 33.177°S 95.300°E and is shown to be a sound conclusion, Mr Godfrey said.
Ocean Infinity MH370 search area for 2023. The yellow dot represents Mr Godfrey's location and the red. that suggested by the Independent Group.
The purpose of the Airport and Flight Route Interference Assessment report says Mr Godfrey "is to take a critical look at the likely MH370 flight path as calculated with the aid of the GDTAAA software and WSPRnet data analyses and question whether aircraft other than MH370 could have disturbed the WSPRnet propagation path at any key position indicator along the flight path.
"The assessment shows that interference from other aircraft cannot be excluded, but the probability that all 186 MH370 progress and position indicators based on disturbed WSPRnet links were false positives is unlikely."
*Dr. Hannes Coetzee holds a master’s degree in physics from Rhodes University and a PhD in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pretoria.
British aerospace engineer Richard Godfrey and physicist Dr Hannes Coetzee* have published two new reports on the technology and tracking of MH370.
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared over eight years ago on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers aboard.
The two reports are a Confidence Analysis and Airport and Flight Route Interference Assessment.
Last November Mr Godfrey published his work on using WSPRnet tracking to pinpoint a more precise location of MH370 and based on his work Ocean Infinity is launching a new search next year to cover this location and other suggestions.
According to Mr Godfrey, "the purpose of this Confidence Analysis is to take a critical look at the MH370 GDTAAA WSPRnet Analysis Flight Path and Technical Reports and question assumptions, methods, algorithms, calculations and limitations and the implications with regard to the results, findings and conclusions.
"This analysis showed the validity of our findings without the use of algorithms, interpretations or marginal results. If you delete all progress and position indicators reliant on interpretation or marginal results, you are still left with 32 confirmed indicators out of the 186 indicators originally.
READ: WSPRnet explainREAD: MH370: The extraordinary debris trail across the Indian Ocean READ: MH370: chronology of major events
"The remaining indicators include all pointers to major turns and the entry into the holding pattern. Even with all the additional indicators discarded, the crash location remains as previously shown.
"It is thus concluded that the positions presented in the previously published papers are sound and that any associated risk is at a reasonable level. The crash location remains as originally defined at 33.177°S 95.300°E and is shown to be a sound conclusion, Mr Godfrey said.
Ocean Infinity MH370 search area for 2023. The yellow dot represents Mr Godfrey's location and the red. that suggested by the Independent Group.
The purpose of the Airport and Flight Route Interference Assessment report says Mr Godfrey "is to take a critical look at the likely MH370 flight path as calculated with the aid of the GDTAAA software and WSPRnet data analyses and question whether aircraft other than MH370 could have disturbed the WSPRnet propagation path at any key position indicator along the flight path.
"The assessment shows that interference from other aircraft cannot be excluded, but the probability that all 186 MH370 progress and position indicators based on disturbed WSPRnet links were false positives is unlikely."
*Dr. Hannes Coetzee holds a master’s degree in physics from Rhodes University and a PhD in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pretoria.