MH370 myths debunked
04 February, 2024
8 min read
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Leading MH370 authority Richard Godfrey has published a comprehensive debunking of the bizarre theories that have been aired recently on French TV on the disappearance of the Boeing 777 on March 8, 2014.
We have decided to print Mr Godfrey's post in full;
"We have suffered the Netflix documentary series on MH370, where the key message was that there was a massive cover-up, the debris was planted and the satellite data manipulated or fabricated and the truth will never come out.
Now we have to suffer the French television documentary series, where the key message is that there is a massive cover-up, the debris was planted and the satellite data manipulated or fabricated and the truth will never come out.
Sarah Bajc and Blaine Gibson are not CIA agents (as claimed by Ghyslain Wattrelos).
The US is not implicated in the disappearance of MH370 (as claimed by Ghyslain Wattrelos and Florence de Changy).
The US did not shoot down MH370 over the South China Sea (as claimed by Florence de Changy).
The US did not shoot down MH370 over Diego Garcia (as claimed by Marc Dugain).
The MH370 floating debris was not planted on the shores of the Indian Ocean (as claimed by Ghyslain Wattrelos).
The Inmarsat satellite data were not fabricated (as claimed by Ghyslain Wattrelos and Florence de Changy).
The detection of the co-pilot’s mobile phone over Penang was not fabricated (as claimed by Florence de Changy).

Benoît Bringer and Guillaume Vénétitay give us the French version of Netflix in their documentary “MH370, la vérité disparue” (the truth disappeared) in France Television.
This time it is not a spy story like Netflix with Blaine Gibson as a Russian spy, for the French Television audience there are now two American spies, Sarah Bajc and Blaine Gibson, and the spy story is an even bigger puller.
Sarah Bajc lost her partner Philip Wood on flight MH370, just as Ghyslain Wattrelos lost his wife and two children. For Ghyslain Wattrelos to claim that Sarah Bajc was sent by the CIA to control the MH370 Families is ridiculous. For Ghyslain Wattrelos to claim that when Sarah Bajc left for Panama to start a new life, that Blaine was sent to replace her as a CIA agent to control the MH370 Families is doubly ridiculous.
This follows the previous documentary by Olivier Sibille for France Television titled “MH370 : aller simple pour l’inconnu” a one-way ticket to the unknown, broadcast in 2019 and which implicates the US at Diego Garcia. The proof presented by Oliver Sibille is that a large jet with two engines, light grey underside, with red and blue line markings, was seen by several eyewitnesses flying low over Kudahuvadhoo in the Maldives in a southerly direction early in the morning of 8th March 2014 toward Diego Garcia. Olivier Sibille falsely states there was no large jet landing or taking off from the Maldives of that description on that morning.
Meanwhile, we know that this was likely a private jet of the Saudi Arabian royal family, which was a Boeing 777-200ER, just like MH370, registration HZ-AKF, with a light grey underside, with orange and blue line markings. The aircraft was overhead Kudahuvadhoo at 07:55 local time and landed at Malé Velana Airport in the Maldives at 08:37 local time on 8th March 2014.
Olivier Sibille states that a crash near Diego Garcia explains why all the debris has been found on the coast of Eastern Africa and nearby islands and not on the coast of Western Australia. Olivier Sibille explains that no debris was found in Australia, which is much closer to where Inmarsat places the crash near the 7th Arc. So the debris locations prove that the eyewitnesses were right and that Inmarsat was wrong. Olivier Sibille obviously does not understand Oceanography.
Prof. Charitha Pattiaratchi is an Oceanographer and he told Blaine Gibson where to look for debris in Riake Beach, Madagascar. “This is the location where the South Equatorial Current first encounters land after crossing the Indian Ocean. The next place to look would be the sandbanks in the Mozambique Channel.” An Oceanographer correctly predicting where debris will land, does not mean that debris was planted. It simply means the prediction was correct.
In the Netflix documentary 3rd episode at 12:11, Ghyslain Wattrelos refers to the “first debris”, found by Blaine Gibson, which was “No Step” found in Mozambique near Vilankulos on a sand bank within 2 hours. Ghyslain Wattrelos falsely claims “all the Anglo-Saxon TV were there”. There was no film crew in Mozambique from any nationality.

In the France Television documentary 4th episode at 23:58, Ghyslain Wattrelos repeats his story, but now it has moved to Riake Beach in Madagascar and debris was found within 10 minutes. Benoît Bringer shows a film crew on Riake Beach filming Blaine Gibson as he is hunting for debris. What Benoît Bringer does not say is that the film was old footage from Olivier Sibille and was first broadcast on 21st March 2019 by France Television in their programme Complement d’Enquete. The film was shot in Madagascar on 6th June 2016. Olivier Sibille had requested to accompany Blaine Gibson on one of his trips to Madagascar. In the original film, it took 3 hours to find debris on Riake Beach and the film crew were not Anglo-Saxon but French.
Now Benoît Bringer uses the old footage from 2016 to support the claim by Ghyslain Wattrelos that Blaine Gibson knows exactly where to look for debris, because he previously planted it. Was this a set up by France Television to entrap Blaine Gibson and make him look like he was planting debris?
In the Complement d’Enquete programme from Oliver Sibille in 2019, Ghyslain Wattrelos also claims we never received the Inmarsat data from the UK, but we received the entire set of raw data from Inmarsat in 2017.
In summary, France Television has consistently over a period of several years broadcast documentaries claiming the official MH370 narrative is wrong, Inmarsat is fabricated, questioning the crash location of MH370 and implicating the US, with either the US base at Diego Garcia or CIA agents or US AWACS aircraft or a US shoot down of MH370. Benoît Bringer excluded WSPR which independently supports the Inmarsat satellite and Oceanography data, despite filming me all day on the subject.
Benoît Bringer also excluded evidence from Christophe Bordes who is Head of Department of « Investigations following incidents or accidents » at the French Ministère de la Défense – Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA), who had read our report on the Tataly debris and was the “French expert who authenticated the flaperon from La Réunion” and operating as an expert witness by order of the Judge Alain Guadino of the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris and Alain Koenig the French police lead investigator at the Gendarmerie Nationale. Christophe Bordes concluded that the Tataly debris: “could indeed be a part of the 370. On the other hand, in the absence of marking, we cannot be sure. An analysis of the painting could give a clue to the origin”.
France Television is government-owned and run.
The accusation by Ghyslain Wattrelos that Sarah Bajc and Blaine Gibson are CIA agents is all based on his personal feelings and suspicions.
Ghyslain Wattrelos admits he might be “dingue” (crazy), but for him it is “évident” (obvious) that Sarah Bajc and Blaine Gibson are CIA agents. Ghyslain Wattrelos can hardly stop himself laughing, when he makes those false claims during the interview by Benoît Bringer.
I could equally make the case based on my personal feelings and suspicions that Ghyslain Wattrelos is a member of the French secret service and was sent to China as the director of La Farge as a cover for his spying on China, but that would be ridiculous.
I could equally make the case based on my personal feelings and suspicions that Florence de Changy is a member of the French secret service and was sent to Hong Kong as the Asia Correspondent for Le Monde as a cover for her spying on Hong Kong, China and other Asian countries, but that would be ridiculous.
Sarah Bajc and Blaine Gibson are the victims of a French government-sponsored anti-American defamation campaign based on the false claims of Ghyslain Wattrelos and Florence de Changy and inflamed by the government-run French media.
The truth about MH370 is a victim of a French government-sponsored anti-American misinformation campaign based on the false claims of Ghyslain Wattrelos and Florence de Changy and inflamed by the government-run French media.
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