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Geoffrey Thomas
10 February, 2021
Endless MH370 conspiracy theories, with no hard evidence, just traumatize relatives, sell newspapers and boost online clicks.
Speaking on Australia's SkyNews Editor-in-Chief Geoffrey Thomas lashed out at the endless number of conspiracy books that offered not one shred of hard evidence.
A total of 130 books on MH370 have been published.
SEE the interview here.
"Not one actually provides any physical evidence whatsoever, Mr Thomas told SkyNews's Ash Gilon.
“It seems to be that there’s a new book every month, if not two new books every month,” Mr Thomas said.
“These conspiracy theories, all they do is upset the relatives, traumatise the relatives and sell newspapers.”
The latest book is “The Disappearing Act: The Impossible Case of MH370” by journalist Florence de Changy.
But her claim that the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 (Flight MH370) was shot down off southern Vietnam by a fighter aircraft or by a laser beam in the South China Sea is not supported by a shred of debris evidence.
In an interview with in London, Ms. de Changy says; “It’s an insult to pretend a Boeing-777 could vanish without a trace. It is not credible.”
Yet hundreds of aircraft have disappeared without a trace over the past 100 years but for MH370 a total of 33 pieces of debris have been recovered by 16 different people unrelated to each other in six different countries.
According to Mr Blaine Gibson, who has found a large number of pieces, at least half of the pieces of debris have been firmly identified as coming from MH370 or a 777.
Blaine Gibson with some positively identified MH370 debris.
Critically the two largest pieces – the flaperon and flap – were positively identified as from MH370.
READ: Qatar Airways is the world’s favourite airline.
Mr. Gibson said when MH370 first disappeared he went to Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar to look for debris and it was not till after the flaperon was found on Reunion Island in July 2015 that he turned his attention to the southern Indian ocean.
“I started objectively and ignored all the satellite data as I didn’t really understand it at the time but once the flaperon was found I focused on the southern Indian Ocean.”
“Initially on Mauritius, I found nothing as I was about six months too early but then the debris started washing up,” Mr. Gibson said.
“Not one piece of debris has turned up in the South China Sea – not one,” Mr. Gibson said.
“There is no evidence for this theory and in fact, all the physical and scientific evidence points to the contrary.”
Mr Blaine adds; "Man walked on the moon, Trump lost the election, The world is round And Malaysian 370 crashed somewhere in the Southern Indian Ocean."
Endless MH370 conspiracy theories, with no hard evidence, just traumatize relatives, sell newspapers and boost online clicks.
Speaking on Australia's SkyNews Editor-in-Chief Geoffrey Thomas lashed out at the endless number of conspiracy books that offered not one shred of hard evidence.
A total of 130 books on MH370 have been published.
SEE the interview here.
"Not one actually provides any physical evidence whatsoever, Mr Thomas told SkyNews's Ash Gilon.
“It seems to be that there’s a new book every month, if not two new books every month,” Mr Thomas said.
“These conspiracy theories, all they do is upset the relatives, traumatise the relatives and sell newspapers.”
The latest book is “The Disappearing Act: The Impossible Case of MH370” by journalist Florence de Changy.
But her claim that the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 (Flight MH370) was shot down off southern Vietnam by a fighter aircraft or by a laser beam in the South China Sea is not supported by a shred of debris evidence.
In an interview with in London, Ms. de Changy says; “It’s an insult to pretend a Boeing-777 could vanish without a trace. It is not credible.”
Yet hundreds of aircraft have disappeared without a trace over the past 100 years but for MH370 a total of 33 pieces of debris have been recovered by 16 different people unrelated to each other in six different countries.
According to Mr Blaine Gibson, who has found a large number of pieces, at least half of the pieces of debris have been firmly identified as coming from MH370 or a 777.
Blaine Gibson with some positively identified MH370 debris.
Critically the two largest pieces – the flaperon and flap – were positively identified as from MH370.
READ: Qatar Airways is the world’s favourite airline.
Mr. Gibson said when MH370 first disappeared he went to Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar to look for debris and it was not till after the flaperon was found on Reunion Island in July 2015 that he turned his attention to the southern Indian ocean.
“I started objectively and ignored all the satellite data as I didn’t really understand it at the time but once the flaperon was found I focused on the southern Indian Ocean.”
“Initially on Mauritius, I found nothing as I was about six months too early but then the debris started washing up,” Mr. Gibson said.
“Not one piece of debris has turned up in the South China Sea – not one,” Mr. Gibson said.
“There is no evidence for this theory and in fact, all the physical and scientific evidence points to the contrary.”
Mr Blaine adds; "Man walked on the moon, Trump lost the election, The world is round And Malaysian 370 crashed somewhere in the Southern Indian Ocean."