Eurowings is a horrible, incompetent and callously uncaring airline. We flew them from Athens to Lisbon via Dusseldorf. They misdirected our (and LOTS of other passengers) luggage in Dusseldorf. This was inexcusable. They had plenty of time for the baggage transfer. The flight to Lisbon was actually delayed! When our luggage failed to arrive in Lisbon we were sent to an abusive third party baggage tracking company that could not have cared less about out situation. Eurowings would not be bothered. They ruined our visit to Lisbon by not getting our luggage to us. Communication and support was non-existent. Our luggage finally showed up minutes before our flight home. We will never fly Eurowings again.
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Overall Value for Money
Seat and Cabin Space
Customer Service
In Flight Entertainment
Baggage Handling
Check-in Process
Meals and Beverages
Recommend Airline