Do not take this airline they will totally rip you off. I had five tickets booked on this airline from Paris to Dublin. The fine print said that the check in gate would close 40 minutes prior to take off. I arrived an hour before and was told that the boarding was closed. I was told I should have read the fine fine print which says the 40 minute rule did not apply to this airport by clicking on a link. However when I clicked on the link I just got a bunch of frequent asked questions so unless I went searching for that information I would never know. To make matter worse they said I would not get my money back had to pay even more to rebook my flight. The bottom line is they did not care to do anything to help me at all and it cost me overall $1500. To make matters worse the information they sent me said the flight was to leave from terminal three and if was actually terminal 1. If they had given Me the right info too might have had enough time. Eve
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