If you’re elderly, you’re screwed: When you finally (after a 20-minutes walk!) get to the gate you tell the “gatekeeper” that, “I’m going to need extra time walking into the plane because of my back, “Can I board early? “Yes, you’ll be called early.” I was never called and the line started to move. BOTTOM LINE: THERE WAS NO SUCH THING AS “early boarding for the handicapped.” NO ONE WITH A HANDICAPPED WENT IN EARLY SO THEY COULD BOARED WITHOUT THE MAD RUSH OF FELLOW PASSENGERS! ICELANDAIR DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE NEEDS OF HANDICAPPED FOLKS. —-THIS IS NOT OUR FIRST EXPERIENCE WITH THIS STUPID ICELANDAIR MINDSET. Stupid is as Stupid Does? On two Icelandair flights I observed that they failed to correct many passenger “upright seat indiscretions.” There are no free snacks.. You’re lucky if the coffee is fresh. IcelandAir took away your space so they can cram, like other airlines (bus companies), as many humans in less square footage as possible. You either fly with damaged knees or pay $6-700 more for First Class. . Lost respect for this airline, even though they have cute blondes trying to sell Icelandic stuff in mid flight!
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Overall Value for Money
Seat and Cabin Space
Customer Service
In Flight Entertainment
Baggage Handling
Check-in Process
Meals and Beverages
Recommend Airline