Passenger Review
Azul review by Jan Colson
3 / 10
18 December, 2024 by Jan Colson
Azul used to be a 'friendly' and customer focused airline when they newly entered the market. They are still benefiting from that reputation, but in recent years they have become an arrogant and expensive airline. They are on average far more expensive than the competition and the service is mediocre at best. If you are travelling from Sao Paulo, be careful! Their main airport (VCP) is far outside the city (approx. 90 minutes without traffic). They have a free shuttle bus, but demand far exceeds capacity so you will in all likelihood have to arrange a last minute taxi. I used to be loyal customer, but after experience some of the arrogance first hand, I'm no longer flying with them.
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Overall Value for Money
Seat and Cabin Space
Customer Service
In Flight Entertainment
Baggage Handling
Check-in Process
Meals and Beverages